Saturday, September 29, 2012

Political Views, Not So Clear!

Registering for Government 2305 I just signed up for the class just because it was a pre requisite class for my degree plan. But after realizing my attitude towards politics, my thoughts shift into believing that this class might actually give me a better prospective on politics. Politics can be a very touchy subject that often others avoid talking about. I never had the urge to dig too deep into politics; it was never a subject that was too important to me.

 I always had the attitude that politicians and the government will do whatever they wanted to do, no matter who stood before them because they had the power to do whatever. Politics was never an important issue to me. I’ve grown and learned not to think that the government is against their people but for them.

Although not knowing what I want exactly for my country, I never took interest in voting because whatever any candidate has to offer it didn’t make sense to me. Not knowing what I want for my country is complicating when voting because I don’t know what I want out of a candidate. I try not to get too much in to politics and just have faith that whoever represent our country do their job well. Hopefully the government class I’m taking this semester changes my attitude towards politics.